Background Our aim in conducting this study is to determine the relationship dysphonia and anxiety in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FS). Methods Between April 2021 and June 2021, 25 FS diagnosed patients (22 females, 3 males; mean age: 45.36 +/- 7.68 years; range 27-65 years), and, for the control group, 25 healthy volunteers (20 females, 5 males; mean age: 42.60 +/- 9.98 years; range 29-62 years) with similar demographic features were included in the study. Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Beck Anxiety Questionary (BAQ), and voice analyses were evaluated for all the participants. Acoustic parameters (AP), such as F-0 (Hz), jitter (%), shimmer (%), and Maximum Phonation Time (MPT), were measured for dysphonia. The correlation between MPT and BAQ was evaluated. Results The demographic characteristics of the groups did not differ statistically significantly (p > 0.05). VAS and BAQ scores were statistically significantly higher in the FS group than healthy individuals. In the assessment of sound, there was no significant difference between F0 and jitteriness between the two groups. While shimmer scores were significantly higher in the FS group, MPT scores were statistically significantly higher in healthy individuals. Conclusions In our study, we observed that FS patients had statistically significantly higher BAQ, VAS scores compared to the control group. The shimmer of voice was increased and MPT values were decreased statistically significantly in FS patients. This says that there may be weakness in the laryngeal muscles affecting the vocal cord and thus voice quality. In addition to this, increased anxiety in FS patients may be associated with dysphonia. There is need for more controlled studies with increased number of patients to investigate the dysphonia in FS patients.