Partial nitritation/anammox (PN/A) has been recognized as a cost-efficient process for wastewater nitrogen removal. The addition of carriers could help achieve biomass retention and enhance the treatment efficiency by forming the dense biofilm. However, accurately determining the abundance of anammox bacteria (AnAOB) to evaluate the biofilm development still remains challenging in practice without access to specialized facilities and experimental skills. In this study, we explored the feasibility of utilizing the morphological features of anammox biofilm as an indication of the biofilm development progression, and its correlation with microbial communities was also revealed. The time-series biofilms from an integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS) system with stable PN/A performance were sampled representing the different biofilm development stages. The biofilm morphological features including color and texture were respectively quantified by red (R) coordinate and Local binary pattern (LBP) descriptor via image processing. Hierarchy clustering analysis proved that the extracted morphological descriptors could well distinguish the different stages (colonization, succession, and maturation) of biofilm development. The microbial community dynamics of time-series anammox biofilms were investigated using the amplicon sequence variant (ASV) analysis. Candidatus Brocadia, as the typical AnAOB, dominated in the whole communities of 16.3%-20.0%, moreover, the biofilm development was found to be driven by distinct Brocadia species. Linear regression evidenced that the Brocadia abundance could be directly correlated to the value of R and LBP, and the total variation of microbial communities could be significantly explained by the morphological features via redundancy analysis. This study demonstrates a new way to monitor the biofilm development by extracting the visible features of anammox aggregates, which can help facilitate the automated control of anammox-based bioprocess.