'Once upon a time'. Exploring the possibilities and limitations for inclusive PE through creative writing: A tale of exclusion, integration and inclusion
This article aims to show and make explicit the exclusion sometimes experienced by children with disabilities and obesity in physical activity (PA) and physical education (PE). Using empirical data from our previous qualitative work, we have engaged in a process of creative writing to present a tale that exhibits how exclusion is experienced by students in PA and PE, as well as ways in which students' integration and inclusion could be fulfilled. The tale presented in this article draws from data generated in in-depth interviews, focus groups and field notes to recreate the experiences of three composite characters: Will, a student with osteogenesis imperfecta; Ella, a wheelchair user; and Josh, a child with obesity. To conclude, we present some evidence-based pedagogical approaches that may be useful for PE teachers, PA practitioners and other stakeholders to foster inclusion, social justice and equality when working with children with disabilities and obesity.