With the rapid growth of technologies, sciences, and globalization, many organizations have modified and updated their managerial policies to meet modern requirements. To survive difficulties and setbacks, especially unexpected crises like the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies turned their attention to employees' knowledge sharing, intellectual capital, and innovative thoughts and behaviors to gain wealth, value, and success. Given the severe shock that the pandemic exerted on many countries' economy, the psycho-emotional and individual aspects of work obtained unprecedented scholarly attention. However, the way knowledge sharing and intellectual capital can interact to foster and enhance innovation at workplaces has remained under-researched. To fill this gap, the present review article presented the theoretical and empirical foundations of these three factors and stressed their possible interplay. In the end, some implications and suggestions for further research were offered to managers and eager researchers to practically and scientifically examine the interplay of knowledge sharing, intellectual capital, and innovative work behaviors.