Handling imperfect information problems is fundamental to perception, learning, and decision-making. Ensemble perception may partially overcome imperfect information by providing global clues. However, if not all cluster elements are readily accessible, the observations required for computing statistics are incomplete. In this case, these elements' internal correlations (i.e., regularity) could serve as clues to elucidate the missing pieces. We thus investigated spatial regularity's role in ensemble perception under imperfect information situations created using partially occluded stimuli. In two experiments, we manipulated circle size (Experiment 1) and line orientation (Experiment 2) to linearly vary with its location; spatial regularity thus supplied clues for inferring information of the invisible parts. Participants estimated the mean of the targeted feature of the entire cluster, including visible and invisible parts. We observed robust biases toward the overall cluster in the estimations, implying the invisible parts were considered during ensemble perception. We proposed this effect could be understood as assessing evidence from visible parts to construct the missing parts. Experiment 3 employed a periodicity regularity to deter participants from using specific strategies, and consistent results were found. We then developed a generative model, the Regularity-Based Model, to simulate the inference process, which better captured the pattern of human outcomes than the comparative model. These findings indicate the visual system could use high-level structural information to infer scenes with incomplete information, thus producing more accurate ensemble representations.