Introduction. The article examines the development of the nuclear industry and the successes of the State Corporation "Rosatom" which allows Russia not only to ensure the growth of this important sector of industry and economy, but also to occupy a leading position in the world nuclear energy markets. In addition to the economic effect, this direction of state activity allows solving a wide range of foreign policy tasks. The article analyzes how the Russian state, using the potential of its nuclear industry and its competitive advantages, simultaneously realizes its interests in the Middle East. Methods and materials. During preparing the article, the authors used a synthesis of institutional and systemic approaches, a comparative historical approach, research in the development of diplomacy and the balance of "powers" in the foreign policy of the state, as well as predictive analysis within the problem field of the implementation of the foreign policy instrument under consideration. Analysis. At present, state corporation Rosatom is one of the leaders in the global nuclear industry and is implementing projects for the construction of 35 power units around the world, including the Middle East. Nuclear energy programs are currently planned or are under way in six countries in the region. Of the projects noted, Rosatom has firm agreements with Egypt, Iran and Turkey. Also, the Russian leadership is optimistic about the possibility of concluding contracts for the construction of nuclear power plants in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The competitive advantages of a Russian company have a wide range from technological advantages to the most flexible terms of cooperation, regardless of the foreign policy and global conjuncture. At the same time, the activities of Rosatom are converted into political advantages that ensure the strengthening of Russia's influence in the Middle East region. Discussion. The authors assess the further development of the Middle East programs for the development of the peaceful atom, Russia's participation in these processes, as well as the identification of associated risks. Results. The authors conclude that by using and developing nuclear energy, Russia is promoting its national interests in the context of the continuing negative economic and political background in the world. The country's leading positions in this industry make it possible to build favorable forecasts regarding the application of nuclear energy in the field of foreign policy, including the Middle East, where Russia has many competitive advantages. Authors' contribution. D.A. Mirgorod developed the content of the article and carried out its scientific edition. E.F. Parubochaya analyzed cases related to the implementation by Russia of nuclear power plant projects in Iran and Turkey.