To relieve the upsurge of the energy demand associated to building indoor cooling, passive cooling employing phase change materials (PCMs) has been proposed as a promising technique to stabilise indoor air temperature fluctuation and reduce building energy demand. PCMs can exchange a large amount of latent heat during the melting and solidification processes, which can be utilised in line with the discharging and charging processes of a cooling system. The use of encapsulated PCM ceiling panels in buildings has immense application potential for passive cooling, which has attracted investigations in recent years. The geometry selection of the PCM ceiling panel is vital as it determines the exposed surface area to the surrounding air and the natural convection, and therefore the heat transfer rate to/from the PCM, which generally suffers from low thermal conductivity. This paper builds on the geometric optimi-sation of enclosed PCM capsules driven by natural convection, aiming to investigate the phase change behaviour and thermal performance of encapsulated PCM ceiling panels of different geometries. Here, the presented study focuses on the conjugate heat transfer phenomena through the surrounding air, panel shell, and PCM. A mixture of lauric, capric, and oleic acids was selected as PCM encapsulated in a thin-shell enclosure made of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plastic, which forms the aesthetic panels attached to the ceiling. A computational fluid dynamics model was validated using full-scale experimen-tal data and further employed to analyse the discharging process and design considerations of the PCM ceiling panels. The effects of various influencing factors were explored, such as panel volume, the initial temperature difference between PCMs and surrounding air, shell thickness, and geometrical features. The results indicate that the panel comprised of a pyramid array is more advantageous than the tetrahedral -based panel in terms of thermal performance, where the average melting rate is 20.8 % higher when the panel volume is 250 mL. In addition, tweaking the geometric features of the panel will largely impact its thermal performance as the effective heat transfer area and natural convection conditions are varied. Finally, it was found that hanging the panel to the ceiling will effectively enhance the heat transfer com-pared to directly attaching it to the ceiling. The results complement the knowledge body of macro -encapsulated PCM ceiling panels in terms of thermal performance and geometric optimisation. The effects of geometric features on the thermal performance of the PCM ceiling panels are studied in a more holistic manner.(c) 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.