This study analysed farmers' access to and use of current information and communication technology (ICT) and non-ICT climatic information dissemination channels in the coffee agroforestry system of Sidama Regional State, Ethiopia. A cross-sectional survey design was employed. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select 360 coffee-growing farmers randomly. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview schedule. Descriptive statistics and the binary probit regression model were employed for data analysis. The finding shows that age, sex of household head, extension education and advisory services to climate change, membership in farmers' groups, and mobile phone calls increased the likelihood of access to climate information dissemination channels. The marginal effect estimates show that the use of extension education and advisory services, access to television (TV), and access to frequency modulation (FM) handset radio increased the use of climate of information dissemination channels. Therefore, weather forecasts should be at a regional level through local media in local languages, and agricultural extension service delivery should include climate information delivery as one of the major activities.