The quadratic phase Fourier transform(QPFT) has received my attention in re-cent years because of its applications in signal processing. At the same time the applications of Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD) and ambiguity function (AF) in signal analysis and image processing can not be excluded. In this paper we investigated the Wigner-Ville Distribu-tion (WVD) and ambiguity function (AF) associated with quadratic phase Fourier transform (WVD-QPFT/AF-QPFT). Firstly, we propose the definition of the WVD-QPFT, and then several important properties of newly defined WVD-QPFT, such as nonlinearity, boundedness, reconstruction formula, orthogonality relation and Plancherel formula are derived. Secondly, we propose the definition of the AF-QPFT, and its with classical AF, then several important properties of newly defined AF-QPFT, such as non-linearity, the reconstruction formula, the time-delay marginal property, the quadratic-phase marginal property and orthogonal relation are studied. Further, a novel quadratic convolution operator and a related correlation operator for WVD-QPFT are proposed. Based on the proposed operators, the corresponding general-ized convolution, correlation theorems are studied. Finally, a novel algorithm for the detection of linear frequency-modulated(LFM) signal is presented by using the proposed WVD-QPFT and AF-QPFT.