The primary objective of this study is to investigate the influence of personality traits such as anxiety, sensation seeking, altruism, anger, and normlessness on young powered two-wheeler riders' risky riding behavior. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) is extended to include personality traits forming an extended TPB (ETPB). The ETPB model is used to examine how personality traits directly influence risky riding behavior and indirectly influence risky riding behavior through latent mediating factors. The secondary objective is to examine the differences in interactions between personality traits, mediating factors, and risky riding behaviors of those who have been and have not been involved in traffic accidents. The study sample included 535 high school students in Phu Yen, Vietnam. The results showed that personality traits, directly and indirectly, influence risky riding behaviors through the mediating construct. Young riders with sensation-seeking, anger, and normlessness have a higher frequency of risky riding behavior than those with anxiety and altruistic personality traits. Sensation seeking, anger, and normlessness indirectly influence risky riding behavior through risk perception and subjective norms. In addition, the results also show a clear difference in the relationship between the personality and behavior of people who have been involved in traffic accidents and those who have never been involved in accidents.