This study aims to identify challenges experienced by government agencies in improving disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM). It also intends to identify the simulation training needs of selected government agencies in the Philippines to ensure that field exercises designed using virtual reality simulation tools are tailored to address these gaps. A total of thirty-two partici-pants from ten government agencies involved in DRRM were invited for focus group discussions and dyadic interviews. Participants were asked about their agency's mandate and the current gaps in their disaster response practices. Framework analysis using the thematic areas of DRRM was applied to identify significant information. Different challenges in the design of field exer-cises, such as the overlapping organizational structure and insufficient capacity-building activi-ties were identified. Recommendations for the improvement of disaster training were also identi-fied to address the aforementioned challenges. These include introducing different topics and sce-narios and applying modern technology, to name a few.