The results of observations of the critical frequency (foF2), ionospheric F2 peak electron density (NmF2) and peak height (hmF2) of the ionosphere over Kharkiv (Ukraine, 49.6 degrees N, 36.3 degrees E) during a partial solar eclipse (SE) on 25 October 2022 are presented. The data analysis showed a clear effect in the variations of foF2 (and, accordingly, NmF2): during the SE, foF2 decreased, and 5 min after the time of maximum eclipse, began to increase to its usual level. From the beginning of the SE, hmF2 decreased from 285 to 255 km, and then it began to grow with a maximum near the time of maximum obscuration. To study longitudinal effects and clarify contributions of different factors to the observed temporal variations of the ionospheric parameters, the results of observations of the ionosphere over Kharkiv were compared with the data obtained by the ionosonde in Pruhonice (Czech Republic, 50.0 degrees N, 14.6 degrees E). The NmF2 electron density decreased due to SE by the factor of 1.46 in Kharkiv, in contrast to 1.33 times in Pruhonice. Comparison of data in universal time (UT) showed a coincidence in the nature and time of fluctuations in both foF2 and hmF2 observed in Kharkiv and Pruhonice on 25 October. Variations in hmF2 caused by SE in Kharkiv and Pruhonice were identical. The SE was accompanied by a plasma flow from the plasmasphere to the ionosphere. The flux density change was about -2 x 1013 m-2s-1and about 0 for Kharkiv and Pruhonice, respectively. The obtained value of the vertical velocity (tens of meters per second) for Kharkiv is the typical velocity for the mid-latitude F2 layer of the ionosphere. It was confirmed that in addition to typical SE effects, results of observations of the ionosphere over Kharkiv on October 25, 2022 had individual features. (c) 2023 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (