The elderly population is increasing worldwide. Dietary habits play a crucial role in prolonging life and preventing diseases. This cross-sectional study sought to investigate the dietary habits of the elderly in the Kwahu South District of the Eastern Region of Ghana and further ascertain the factors that constitute nutritional challenges among this group. A mixed method approach was used for the study. A questionnaire and focus group discussion guide were used to solicit data from study participants. A total of 97 participants made up of 59 males and 38 females participated in the study. Data on food habits reveal that staple food consumption especially those grown within the study area is common. Rice (34.1%), game meat (47.1%), banana (63.9%), and garden eggs (27.8%) were the commonly consumed foods by frequency. Mood (41.2%) and stress (24.8%) were identified as the most predominant determinants of food habits. Poly medication, toothache and loss, immobility, and financial and technological challenges were amongst the nutritional challenges mentioned by the elderly in this study. Results from the focus group discussion revealed high nutrition knowledge among the elderly through factors such as financial constraints that were mentioned as a barrier to the translation of this knowledge into practice. Strengthening of existing interventional programmes such as the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty and social interventions is needed to improve the dietary habits and nutritional intakes of the elderly.