Report on the 7th International Meeting of the IUGS Lower Cretaceous Ammonite Working Group, the Kilian Group (Warsaw, Poland, 21st August 2022): State of the art on the current Standard Ammonite Zonation of the Western Tethyan Mediterranean Province

Szives, Ottilia [1 ]
Moreno-Bedmar, Josep A. [2 ]
Aguirre-Urreta, Beatriz [3 ]
Company, Miguel [4 ]
Frau, Camille [5 ]
Lopez-Horgue, Mikel [6 ]
Pictet, Antoine [7 ]
Ploch, Izabela [8 ]
Salazar, Christian [9 ]
Barragan, Ricardo [2 ]
Latil, Jean -Louis
Lehmann, Jens [10 ]
Reboulet, Stephane [11 ]
Robert, Emmanuel [11 ]
[1] Hungarian Nat Hist Museum, Dept Palaeontol & Geol, Pf 137, H-1431 Budapest, Hungary
[2] Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico, Inst Geol, Ciudad Univ, Coyoacan 04510, Ciudad De Mexic, Mexico
[3] Univ Buenos Aires, Dept Ciencias Geol, Inst Estudios Andinos Don Pablo Groeber UBA, CONICET, C1428EGA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
[4] Univ Granada, Fac Ciencias, Dept Estratig & Paleontol, Campus Fuentenueva S-N, Granada 18002, Spain
[5] Groupement Interet Paleontol Sci & Exposit, 60 bd Georges Richard, F-83000 Toulon, France
[6] Univ Basque Country UPV EHU, Geol Saila, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Sarriena Z-G, Leioa 48940, Spain
[7] Museum Cantonal Sci Nat, Dept geol, Quartier UNIL Chamberonne,Batiment Anthropole, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
[8] Panstwowy Inst Badawczy, Panstwowy Inst Geol, Zaklad Geologii Regionalnej, Ul Rakowiecka 4, PL-00975 Warsaw, Poland
[9] Univ Mayor, Escuela Geol, Fac Ciencias, Manuel Montt 367, Providencia 750094, Chile
[10] Univ Bremen, Fachbereich Geowissensch, Klagenfurter Str 4, D-28359 Bremen, Germany
[11] Univ Lyon, UCBL, ENSL, UJM,CNRS,LGL,TPE, F-69622 Villeurbanne, France
P5 [地质学];
0709 ; 081803 ;
The 7th meeting of the IUGS Lower Cretaceous Ammonite Working Group the 'Kilian Group (KG)' was held in Warsaw, Poland, on 21st August 2022. Need of major changes for the Jurassic/Cretaceous transition, namely to the uppermost Tithonian and lower Berriasian, and for the upper Aptian and Albian schemes is a long-known issue, which are finally conceptualized and hereby introduced into the Stan-ard Mediterranean Ammonite Zonation (SMAZ, Western Tethys). Besides, refinements were added to the Valanginian and Hauterivian stages, discussion on some zonal indices and units are also provided. The KG highlights again the exclusive use of interval zones and subzones.Most important changes of the uppermost Tithonian-Berriasian stages are the followings: i) use of two folded Berriasian is agreed, to be in better accordance with ammonite turnovers and microfossil framework; ii) uppermost Tithonian Lopeziceras chaperi, top-uppermost Tithonian to lowermost Ber-riasian Praedalmasiceras progenitor and lower Berriasian Pseudosubplanites grandis Zones are accepted to be introduced into the SMAZ, these three zones to cover the former 'Berriasella' jacobi Zone auctorum which is formally abandoned; iii) lower Berriasian Delphinella delphinensis Subzone is accepted as a reliable marker level of the upper Praedalmasiceras progenitor Zone; iv) Strambergella jacobi Zone is established and discussed. Tirnovella occitanica Zone and Tirnovella subalpina Subzone are discussed.Modifications on the Valanginian zonation are the followings: i) Neocomites premolicus Subzone is re-defined, ii) Neolissoceras (Vergoliceras) salinarium Subzone is introduced; iii) Neocomites neo-comiensiformis Zone is divided into two subzones, the lower N. neocomiensiformis and the upper Busnardoites campylotoxus Subzones. Modifications on the Hauterivian stage are the followings: i) all horizons are deleted; ii) Olcostephanus (Olcostephanus) variegatus Subzone is introduced; iii) Balearites angulicostatus Subzone is introduced; iv) all subzonal index-species of the B. balearis Zone are assigned to genus Balearites; v) Pseudothurmannia mortilleti is considered as a senior synonym of P. catulloi, therefore its nominal subzone also changed its name to mortilleti.No change in the Barremian scheme, however the base of Toxancyloceras vandenheckii Subzone and Zone is defined by the first appearance of the genus Toxancyloceras.Most important changes of the upper Aptian zonation are the followings: i) Nolaniceras nolani and 'Hypacanthoplites jacobi' zones are retained from the SMAZ; ii) re-introduction of Diadochoceras nodosocostatum Zone is given. For the Aptian-Albian transition interval, introduction of 'Hypacanthoplites' elegans Zone is accepted, where the Aptian/Albian boundary lies within.Most important zonal changes of the Albian stage are: i) the Leymeriella-based succession is abandoned from the SMAZ and replaced by the cosmopolitan Douvilleiceras-based succession; ii) Douvilleiceras leightonense Zone is introduced; iii) middle Albian Hoplites dentatus, Euhoplites loricatus, Euhoplites lautus Zones and Hoplites spathi Subzone are retained from the SMAZ and restricted to the Boreal ammonite scheme; iv) Lyelliceras lyelli Subzone arisen to zonal rank defining the basal middle Albian; v) Oxytropidoceras (Oxytropidoceras) roissyanum Zone is introduced; vi) upper Albian zonation based on the phyletic lineage of Mortoniceratids is kept, however generic names of the indices are modified to Pervinquieria; vii) Pervinquieria pricei Zone is divided into three subzones of Hysteroceras varicosum, H. binum and H. choffati from the oldest to youngest; viii) Pervinquieria inflata Zone is divided into two subzones of Hysteroceras bucklandi and Cantabrigites spp.The KG tributes to our recently deceased ammonitologist colleagues in the Supplement, a discussion on the future work is provided. The next Kilian Group meeting will be held in Hannover, prior to the first day of the 12th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System.(c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
共 5 条
  • [1] Report on the 5th International Meeting of the IUGS Lower Cretaceous Ammonite Working Group, the Kilian Group (Ankara, Turkey, 31st August 2013)
    Reboulet, Stephane
    Szives, Ottilia
    Aguirre-Urreta, Beatriz
    Barragan, Ricardo
    Company, Miguel
    Idakieva, Vyara
    Ivanov, Mann
    Kakabadze, Mikheil V.
    Moreno-Bedmar, Josep A.
    Sandoval, Jose
    Baraboshkin, Evgenij J.
    Caglar, Meral K.
    Fozy, Istvan
    Gonzalez-Arreola, Celestina
    Kenjo, Samer
    Lukeneder, Alexander
    Raisossadat, Seyed N.
    Rawson, Peter F.
    Tavera, Jose M.
    [J]. CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, 2014, 50 : 126 - 137
  • [2] Report on the 4th International Meeting of the IUGS Lower Cretaceous Ammonite Working Group, the "Kilian Group" (Dijon, France, 30th August 2010)
    Reboulet, Stephane
    Rawson, Peter F.
    Moreno-Bedmar, Josep A.
    Aguirre-Urreta, Maria B.
    Barragan, Ricardo
    Bogomolov, Yuri
    Company, Miguel
    Gonzalez-Arreola, Celestina
    Stoyanova, Vyara Idakieva
    Lukeneder, Alexander
    Matrion, Bertrand
    Mitta, Vasily
    Randrianaly, Hasina
    Vasicek, Zdenek
    Baraboshkin, Evgenij J.
    Bert, Didier
    Bersac, Stephane
    Bogdanova, Tamara N.
    Bulot, Luc G.
    Latil, Jean-Louis
    Mikhailova, Irina A.
    Ropolo, Pierre
    Szives, Ottilia
    [J]. CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, 2011, 32 (06) : 786 - 793
  • [3] Report on the 6th International Meeting of the IUGS Lower Cretaceous Ammonite Working Group, the Kilian Group (Vienna, Austria, 20th August 2017)
    Reboulet, Stephane
    Szives, Ottilia
    Aguirre-Urreta, Beatriz
    Barragan, Ricardo
    Company, Miguel
    Frau, Camille
    Kakabadze, Mikheil V.
    Klein, Jaap
    Moreno-Bedmar, Josep A.
    Lukeneder, Alexander
    Pictet, Antoine
    Ploch, Izabela
    Raisossadat, Seyed N.
    Vasicek, Zdenek
    Baraboshkin, Evgenij J.
    Mitta, Vasily V.
    [J]. CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, 2018, 91 : 100 - 110
  • [4] Report on the 2nd international meeting of the IUGS lower Cretaceous ammonite working group, the "Kilian Group" (Neuchatel, Switzerland, 8 September 2005)
    Reboulet, Stephane
    Hoedemaeker, Philip J.
    Aguirre-Urreta, Maria B.
    Alsen, Peter
    Atrops, Francois
    Baraboshkin, Evgenij Y.
    Company, Miguel
    Delanoy, Gerard
    Dutour, Yves
    Klein, Jaap
    Latil, Jean-Louis
    Lukeneder, Alexander
    Mitta, Vasily
    Mourgues, Francisco A.
    Ploch, Izabela
    Raisossadat, Naser
    Ropolo, Pierre
    Sandoval, Jose
    Tavera, Jose M.
    Vasicek, Zdenek
    Vermeulen, Jean
    Arnaud, Hubert
    Granier, Bruno
    Premoli-Silva, Isabella
    [J]. CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, 2006, 27 (05) : 712 - 715
  • [5] Report on the 3rd International Meeting of the IUGS Lower Cretaceous Ammonite Working Group, the "Kilian Group" (Vienna, Austria, 15th April 2008)
    Reboulet, Stephane
    Klein, Jaap
    Barragan, Ricardo
    Company, Miguel
    Gonzalez-Arreola, Celestina
    Lukeneder, Alexander
    Raisossadat, Seyed Naser
    Sandoval, Jose
    Szives, Ottilia
    Tavera, Jose M.
    Vasicek, Zdenek
    Vermeulen, Jean
    [J]. CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, 2009, 30 (02) : 496 - 502