The intestine is a visceral organ that integrates absorption, metabolism, and immunity, which is vulnerable to external stimulus. Researchers in the fields such as food science, immunology, and pharmacology have committed to developing appropriate in vitro intestinal cell models to study the intestinal absorption and metabolism mechanisms of various nutrients and drugs, or pathogenesis of intestinal diseases. In the past three decades, the intestinal cell models have undergone a significant transformation from conventional two-dimensional cultures to three-dimensional (3D) systems, and the achievements of 3D cell culture have been greatly contributed by the fabrication of different scaffolds. In this review, we first introduce the developing trend of existing intestinal models. Then, four types of scaffolds, including Transwell, hydrogel, tubular scaffolds, and intestine-on-a-chip, are discussed for their 3D structure, composition, advantages, and limitations in the establishment of intestinal cell models. Excitingly, some of the in vitro intestinal cell models based on these scaffolds could successfully mimic the 3D structure, microenvironment, mechanical peristalsis, fluid system, signaling gradients, or other important aspects of the original human intestine. Furthermore, we discuss the potential applications of the intestinal cell models in drug screening, disease modeling, and even regenerative repair of intestinal tissues. This review presents an overview of state-of-the-art scaffold-based cell models within the context of intestines, and highlights their major advances and applications contributing to a better knowledge of intestinal diseases. Impact statementThe intestine tract is crucial in the absorption and metabolism of nutrients and drugs, as well as immune responses against external pathogens or antigens in a complex microenvironment. The appropriate experimental cell model in vitro is needed for in-depth studies of intestines, due to the limitation of animal models in dynamic control and real-time assessment of key intestinal physiological and pathological processes, as well as the "R" principles in laboratory animal experiments. Three-dimensional (3D) scaffold-based cell cultivation has become a developing tendency because of the superior cell proliferation and differentiation and more physiologically relevant environment supported by the customized 3D scaffolds. In this review, we summarize four types of up-to-date 3D cell culture scaffolds fabricated by various materials and techniques for a better recapitulation of some essential physiological and functional characteristics of original intestines compared to conventional cell models. These emerging 3D intestinal models have shown promising results in not only evaluating the pharmacokinetic characteristics, security, and effectiveness of drugs, but also studying the pathological mechanisms of intestinal diseases at cellular and molecular levels. Importantly, the weakness of the representative 3D models for intestines is also discussed.