The damage mechanisms of the balanced symmetrical laminates under low-velocity impact (LVI) and com-pression after impact (CAI) loading conditions are not fully applicable to composite stiffened panels. However, studies on LVI and CAI damage evolution and failure mechanism for asymmetric composite laminates are very rare, which poses challenges to the theoretical study, strength prediction, and application of composite structures, and increases the risk of sudden failure under load. In this study, the damage evolution and failure mechanisms of asymmetric composite laminates under LVI and CAI loading conditions were studied experimentally and numerically. Ultrasonic phased array C-scan technique was used to analyze damage state, damage size, and delamination damage induced by LVI under different impact energies in impact tests. Moreover, a three-dimensional digital image correlation (3D-DIC) technique was employed to monitor the evolution of full-field displacement and strain in the asymmetric composite laminates during the CAI tests. A three-dimensional damage model considering the interaction among the interlaminar delamination damage, intralaminar matrix damage, and intralaminar fiber damage was proposed, and an interface-based cohesive behavior embedded framework in ABAQUS/Explicit was used to define and capture the interlaminar damage. The damage initiation, evolution, and propagation behaviors of different damage modes were simulated to study the complex damage and failure mechanisms of the asymmetric laminates in the LVI and CAI processes. The relationships among the different impact energies and the impact damage modes, delamination morphologies, and compression damage propagation and failure modes were discussed.