The purpose of the present study was to assess whether coworker incivility exhibits short-term effects on the enactment of counterproductive work behaviors, as well as to investigate the role emotions play in enhancing or mitigating the enactment of these behaviors. Drawing on social exchange theory, the target similarity model, and affect-as-information hypothesis, an experience sampling study across five consecutive workdays was conducted. Multi-level analyses using 448 observations revealed that on days when individuals experienced coworker incivility, they reported engaging in both interpersonal and organizational counterproductive work behaviors. We also found support for a buffering effect wherein positive affect in the morning weakened the relationship of workday coworker incivility with workplace counterproductive work behaviors, whereas negative affect in the morning strengthened this relationship. Altogether, this study provides a deeper understanding of naturally occurring work experiences, clarifies the positive, short-term association of coworker incivility with counterproductive work behaviors, and considers how state affect can impact interpretation of workday events. We conclude with theoretical and practical implications in addition to directions for future research.