Natural and human activities have deteriorated urban soil's health and ecological functions as compared to forest soils. Therefore, we hypothesized that any intervention in poor quality soil in urban area will change their chemical and water retention properties. The experiment was conducted in Krakow (Poland) in completely randomized design (CRD). The soil amendments used in this experiment consisted of control, spent coffee grounds (SCGs), salt, and sand (1 and 2 t ha(-1)) in order to evaluate the impact of these soil amendments on the urban soil chemical and hydrological properties. Soil samples were collected after 3 months of soil application. The soil pH, soil acidity (me/100 g), electrical conductivity (mS/cm), total carbon (%), CO2 emission (g m(-2) day(-1)), and total nitrogen (%) were measured in laboratory condition. The soil hydrological properties like volumetric water content (VWC), water drop penetration time (WDPT), current water storage capacity (S-a), water storage capacity after 4 and 24 h (S-4 and S-24), and capillary water P-k (mm) were also determined. We noted variations in soil chemical and water retention properties in urban soil after the application of SCGs, sand, and salt. It was observed that SCGs (2 t ha(-1)) has reduced soil pH and nitrogen (%) by 14 and 9%, while the incorporation of salt resulted in maximum soil EC, total acidity, and soil pH. The soil carbon (%) and CO2 emission (g m(-2) day(-1)) were enhanced and declined by SCGs amendment. Furthermore, the soil hydrological properties were significantly influenced by the soil amendment (spent coffee grounds, salt, and sand) application. Our results showed that spent coffee grounds mixing in urban soil has considerably enhanced the soil VWC, S-a, S-4, S-24, and P-k, whereas it decreased the water drop penetration time. The analysis showed that the single dose of soil amendments had not improved soil chemical properties very well. Therefore, it is suggested that SCGs should be applied more than single dose. This is a good direction to look for ways to improve the retention properties of urban soil and you can consider combining SCGs with other organic materials like compost, farmyard manure, or biochar.