This study presents lessons learned from a career in productivity research. It examines the extent to which the key empirical questions about productivity have been answered. Aggregate and industry growth data are reviewed and show how a few industries con-tribute a lot to overall growth; notable is the large contribution of high-tech manufacturing to U.S. TFP growth (also the case for Japan). There is an extended summary of the lessons learned from cross-country comparisons of the levels of productivity in different industries using business economics information. Strong competitive intensity is positive for produc-tivity, while regulations and trade restrictions are negative. The article concludes with an optimistic note on the productivity impact of generative AI.
Univ Calif Los Angeles, Dept Psychiat & Biobehav Sci, San Fernando Mental Hlth Ctr, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USAUniv Calif Los Angeles, Dept Psychiat & Biobehav Sci, San Fernando Mental Hlth Ctr, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA