Background: The rising cost of medications has a disproportionate effect on community-dwelling older adults despite policy changes designed to improve medication access. Medicare insurance counseling provided by pharmacists, including individualized plan comparison and enrollment assistance, improves medication adherence and health care utilization, yet only 15% of community dwelling older adults report using a pharmacy or pharmacist for Medicare information. To determine what information is available to inform expanding implementation of pharmacy as a resource for Medicare insurance counseling, a systematic review of published studies using the RE-AIM (Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance) framework was conducted. Methods: Articles meeting inclusion criteria were identified through a literature search using PubMed and GoogleScholar; 27 pharmacy Medicare insurance counseling studies were identified representing 13 unique programs in clinical, community outreach, and community pharmacy settings. Each article was coded by two researchers using the RE-AIM Coding Sheet for Publications and the extent of RE-AIM dimension reporting was determined using descriptive statistics at the program level. Discussions were used to arrive at coding consensus and concordance was measured with Krippendorff's alpha. Results: Across all studies (15 quasi experimental, 10 analytical case reports, and 2 case reports) more than half of the programs reported framework component dimensions for Reach (69%), Adoption (58%), Implementation (54%), and Maintenance (54%), and fewer than half reported comprehensively on Effectiveness (44%). Ten studies in 7 of 13 programs reported estimated out-of-pocket cost savings. Two studies measured patientcentered outcomes: medication adherence by proportion of days covered (PDC) and health care utilization by hospital admissions and emergency department visits. Gaps in the external validity of pharmacy Medicare education programs were identified including staff participation rates, methods to identify participating settings and program costs. Conclusions: Based on this review, current research on pharmacy Medicare education is insufficient to guide broad implementation. Additional studies are needed to determine how Medicare education integrating pharmacists and pharmacies can be implemented to address cost-related non-adherence for community dwelling older adults.