Gluten-free pasta (GFP) can be produced by combining broken rice flour with materials rich in bioactive compounds such as int mperizados en s los y sedimentos nopal flour (Opuntia ficus-indica L.). The objective of this work was to study the effect of extrusion temperature (ET: 88.5-125.5 (Biodegradation modeling of sludge bio eactors of total petroleum hydrocarbons weathering in soil degrees C), moisture content (MC: 21.27-34.73%), and nopal flour content (NFC: 1.91-22.09%) on the phytochemical, antioxidant d di ) and cooking properties of GFP. For the statistical analysis, the response surface methodology was used. The weight gain (WG) increased at high NFC. Also, the WG increased in two zones, one combining low MC and ET and another using high MC and M dina-M S u A ch -n tno, Agui -qu , en z ET. The cooking time decreased, and the total phenolic compounds content and antioxidant capacity (inhibition of oxidation of Gonza z y M. Gutier ez-Rojas LDL) increased at high259 MandCrecimiento,NFC. Theobrevivenciaoptimal yprocessingadaptacion de conditions Bifidobactium were ET = infan 118 is a degrees C, MC condiciones = 31.7% acida and NFC= 18.0%. The optimal pasta (OP) showed elevated sensory acceptability, similar to a commercial product. Likewise, the OP had a higher ( , sur a ad p a o Bifido ium nfa i to cidic tio ) dietary fiber content than commercial pasta and control pasta. The results indicate that it is possible to obtain GFP using broken rice and nopal with acceptable phytochemical, antioxidant, and cooking properties whose consumption could eventually have L. MayorgaReyes, P Bustamante-Camilo, A. GutierrezNava, E BarrancoFlorido y A. Azaola health benefits.