This study aims to measure people's decision-making to buy their pet insurance and compare it with the amount of insurance premium rates offered. It is important due to the increase in people's income which has triggered the birth of a community of pet lovers as part of the middle-class people's lifestyle in Indonesia. The survey data was conducted using the Stated Preference (SP) format through questionnaires and interviews to determine the public response to pet insurance premiums. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive methods, decision-making analysis was on the basis of the choice of the dichotomous Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), and logistic regression analysis. Based on the calculation analysis using the logit method shows that the ability of the public to pay pet insurance premiums is IDR289,454.54. Analysis of calculations using the Turnbull method was obtained at IDR365,000.00. The results of the WTP amount, both using the logit method and using the Turnbull method, are greater than the minimum premium amount offered which is IDR190,000.00. The results of this study indicate that the premium rates for pet insurance offered are still within reasonable limits, compared to the size of the decision-making by the animal lover community in Indonesia. This provides a very good prospect for insurance companies that have insurance products for pets in Indonesia. This study was conducted to provide empirical evidence that the decision-making of the animal lover community is greater than the premium rate for pet insurance that has been offered. Thus, this research strongly supports the development of pet insurance companies in Indonesia, which can provide pet protection to stay healthy and well looked after.(c) 2023 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada.