Due to the economic differences of chili peppers at different maturity levels and the absence of differentiation of maturity in existing harvesting processes, it is crucial to accurately identify the maturity during harvesting for improving economic benefits. This paper investigated pepper maturity recognition models using hyperspectral technology to realize intelligent pepper harvesting with high accuracy and monitor maturity. Hyperspectral data (400-1000 nm) for field line peppers were collected, preprocessed using normalization, Savitzky-Golay convolutional smoothing, and standard normal variable transformation and subsequently used to train back propagation neural network (BP) and kernel based extreme learning machine (KELM) models. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to reduce data dimensionality and identify characteristic spectral wavelengths for pepper maturity at 862.2, 676.9, 578.1, and 980.7 nm; and BP, PCA-BP, KELM, and PCA-KELM models were subsequently established. The precision for the KELM and PCA-KELM models (99.5% and 97.3%, respectively) was superior to the other two models; however, the PCA-KELM model used only four of the feature wavelengths as inputs, hence it required only 1/44 the data compared with the KELM model. Thus, the PCA-KELM model achieved high recognition accuracy and training speed, offering an effective method to discriminate pepper ripeness based on hyperspectral features.