We discuss a recently proposed family of statistical network models-relational hyperevent models (RHEMs)-for analyzing team selection and team performance in scientific coauthor networks. The underlying rationale for using RHEM in studies of coauthor networks is that scientific collaboration is intrinsically polyadic, that is, it typically involves teams of any size. Consequently, RHEM specify publication rates associated with hyperedges representing groups of scientists of any size. Going beyond previous work on RHEM for meeting data, we adapt this model family to settings in which relational hyperevents have a dedicated outcome, such as a scientific paper with a measurable impact (e.g., the received number of citations). Relational outcome can on the one hand be used to specify additional explanatory variables in RHEM since the probability of coauthoring may be influenced, for instance, by prior (shared) success of scientists. On the other hand, relational outcome can also serve as a response variable in models seeking to explain the performance of scientific teams. To tackle the latter, we propose relational hyperevent outcome models that are closely related with RHEM to the point that both model families can specify the likelihood of scientific collaboration-and the expected performance, respectively-with the same set of explanatory variables allowing to assess, for instance, whether variables leading to increased collaboration also tend to increase scientific impact. For illustration, we apply RHEM to empirical coauthor networks comprising more than 350,000 published papers by scientists working in three scientific disciplines. Our models explain scientific collaboration and impact by, among others, individual activity (preferential attachment), shared activity (familiarity), triadic closure, prior individual and shared success, and prior success disparity among the members of hyperedges.