In this paper, taking into account the long range dispersal, environmental carrying capacity and propagation of viruses in the air, we propose a new SIR epidemic model with nonlocal diffusion, nonlocal infection and free boundaries. We first prove that such a nonlocal problem with free boundaries has a unique global solution. Then find the basic reproduction number R-0(theta/b, (- h(0), h(0))) and show that when R-0(theta/b, (- h(0), h(0))) >= 1the disease will spread; when R-0(theta/b, (- h(0), h(0))) < 1, the disease will spread or not depending on the expanding ability mu of I. Moreover, we give the conditions that determine R-0(theta/b, (- h(0), h(0))) =(>, <) 1, and give the criteria for spreading and vanishing. (c) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.