Available water capacity (AWC), field capacity (theta FC), and permanent wilting point (theta PWP) are regarded as key physical soil health indicators that directly capture the soil's capacity to store plant available water but are expensive components of a comprehensive soil health analysis. To reduce costs, pedotransfer functions for theta FC, theta PWP, and AWC were developed from a dataset of 7,232 soil samples with texture, soil organic matter (SOM), permanganate-oxidizable carbon, soil respiration, AWC, theta FC, theta PWP, wet aggregate stability, and extractable potassium, magnesium, iron, and manganese. Three functions were developed for each property: a full random forest (RF) model containing all variables, a reduced RF model and a multiple linear regression model containing texture and SOM. Pedotransfer functions were validated with an independent dataset that contained 1,406 samples. The full RF models for theta FC, theta PWP, and AWC reduced the root mean square error (RMSE) by 16.3, 13.3, and 12.8%, compared to multiple linear regression models, respectively. Furthermore, the full RF models for theta FC, theta PWP, and AWC reduced RMSE by 11.6, 6.7, and 12.8%, compared to the reduced RF model, respectively. Permanganate-oxidizable carbon, wet aggregate stability, and extractable magnesium, potassium, and iron were useful novel predictor variables for improving prediction of theta FC and AWC. AWC was sensitive in 20/57 long-term experiments, and full RF models were able to replicate 5/20 of those significant results. New RF pedotransfer functions for theta FC, theta PWP, and AWC can enhance prediction compared to traditional modeling techniques, fits into existing interpretative frameworks, and improves cost-effectiveness of comprehensive assessments of soil health.