The environmental control and management of municipal solid waste (MSW) dumping sites is considered one of the sensitive challenges faced by executive municipalities. This is especially true in Makkah due to the gradual increase in urban population and visitors, with an overall MSW generation of about one million tons per year. Consequently, the geo-environmental evaluation of the Kaakia dumping site shed light on the potential environmental threats, in terms of ambient air quality levels and meteorological parameters, in addition to geophysical inspection. An air quality survey discussed the major trends of ambient air pollutants (SO2, NO2, CO, O-3, CH4, and PM10) downwind from the Kaakia dumping site. It indicated the presence of a significant increase in sporadic plumes of Methane concentration. The maximum hourly averages ranged between 22.9-26.6 mu g/m(3) for SO2, 44.4-64.0 mu g/m(3) for NO2, 0.86-1.38 mg/m(3) for CO, 150.2-158.8 mu g/m(3) for O-3, 5.09-5.9 ppm for CH4, and 955-994 mu g/m(3) for PM10. The ground penetrating radar (GPR) geophysical survey indicated the subsurface sequence of three geological layers, as confirmed by nearby bores of the investigated site: (1) a surface layer formed of alluvial sediments of sand, which were 2.5-3.1 m thick; (2) a second layer represented by sand and gravel, with a thickness of 4.6-6.5 m; and (3) a third layer equivalent to saturated alluvial sediments mixed with rock fragments that extended to a depth of 13 m. The signals of the GPR were attenuated at the base of the conducted profiles due to the percolation of generated leachate to the subsurface sequence and contaminated groundwater aquifer.