In 2007, the WHO proposed the Building Blocks Framework and articulated 'responsiveness' as one of the four goals for health systems. While researchers have studied and measured health systems responsiveness since, several aspects of the concept remain unexamined, including, understanding the notion of 'legitimate expectations'-a notion central to the definition of responsiveness. We begin this analysis by providing a conceptual overview of how 'legitimacy' is understood in key social science disciplines. Drawing on insights from this overview, we examine how 'legitimacy' is understood in the literature on health systems responsiveness and reveal that there is currently little critical engagement with this notion of the 'legitimacy' of expectations. In response, we unpack the concept of 'legitimate' expectations and propose approaches and areas for reflection, research, and action. We conclude that contestation, and ongoing negotiation of entrenched health system processes and norms which establish citizens' 'legitimate' expectations of health systems, is needed-through processes that ensure equitable and wide participation. We also call on researchers, in their capacity as key health policy actors, to trigger and initiate processes and help create equitable spaces for citizens to participate in establishing 'legitimate' expectations of health systems.