Maize remains the staple grain in Malawi; hence, the cropping system of most smallholder farmers is dominated by the crop, often mono-cropped for food security. Consequently, Malawi's agriculture sector is made vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change. For instance, crop failure results in food insecurity and the low income of farm households. In response, there are coping mechanisms, which can be adopted by farmers to mitigate these negative climate change effects, namely maize-legume diversification, organic manure use, and the practice of agroforestry. Therefore, the underlying objective of this study was to assess the factors influencing smallholder maize farmers' decision to engage in the double-up adoption of climate change adaptation strategies in Malawi. Both descriptive statistics and the logistic regression model were employed to statistically analyze these factors, and the results of the analysis revealed that landholding size, inorganic fertilizer use, access to credit, seed access, adherence to extension services, and input coupon access were significant in influencing dual adoption. Furthermore, this study recommends policies, which underscore land access and safeguard the land rights of smallholder maize farmers, and also private sector engagement in complementing government efforts in ensuring increased access to seeds. Additionally, improving farmers' adherence to agricultural extension services is recommended. Thus, addressing the constraints of small-scale farmers observed in this study will act as an incentive for farmers to consider dual adoption, which is perceived to be a feasible method to combat climate change effects.