Air pollution is a significant environmental problem in Isfahan City, Iran, with detrimental effects on human health and ecosystems. It comes from various sources, including the asphalt industry, motor vehicles, power plants, industry, and natural events such as forest fires and dust storms. The data used in the study was obtained through a combination of different methods and strategies. Reliable laboratory information besides reports from the European Environmental Protection Organization, American Environmental Protection Organization, and Australian Environmental Protection Organization, standards from environmental organizations were used to determine emission coefficients. Questionnaires were prepared and referred to trade and industrial units to gather information on production and air pollutant emissions. Finally, statistical analysis and grouping methods were used to analyze the data. Based on average data of emission rate of different sources, prioritizing resulted in the identification of five main sources of gaseous pollutant including chemical industries, synthetic textiles, and pharmaceutical industries (7.36%), burning garden waste outdoors (7.68), brick kilns (12.43%), garbage center (15.78), and digestion of humans (45.68). Other 30 sources contribute less than 3%. Based on the results, it is obvious that CH4 only contributes 44% in gas emissions of Isfahan City followed by CO (23%), TSP (13%), MVOCS (9%), PM10 (2.17%), NH3 (1.96%), non-methane volatile organic compounds (1.89%), Nox (1.70%), PM2.5 (1.36%), SOx (0.89%), VOC (0.76%), and PM (0.03%).The results of the paper provide information on the major sources of air pollutant emissions in Isfahan City, including chemical industries, burning garden waste outdoors, brick kilns, garbage centers, and digestion of humans. It presents the average data of emission rates from different sources, helping in prioritizing and targeting specific sectors for reducing emissions. The study highlights the importance of considering both natural and anthropogenic sources of air pollution and the need for implementing strategies to obtain accurate information on emissions. The research contributes to the understanding of air pollution sources in Isfahan City, which can aid in developing effective measures for reducing pollution and improving air quality.