OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the state and changes over time of female representation in Associa-tion of Program Directors in Surgery (APDS) leadership and annual meeting presenters and session leaders. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: APDS confer-ence programs from 2013 to 2022 were reviewed to identify society leadership and meeting presenters and session leaders. Verified online profiles were used to gather professional role and reported gender. Descrip-tive statistics and t-tests compared female representation in the first half (2013-2017, prior) and second half of data (2018-2022, current). RESULTS: Leadership of APDS was an average 22% women, increasing from 13% in 2013 to 37% in 2022, and significantly increased from prior to current period (p = 0.0004). Conference presenters and session leaders were 42% women overall, increasing from 30% in 2013 to 52% in 2022. An average 33% staff surgeons, 54% trainees, 64% education scientists, and 51% medical student participants were female. Staff were 44% female in 2022 from 24% in 2013, significantly increased from prior to current period (p = 0.021). Comparing prior and current period cohorts, female presenters for paper sessions increased from 38% to 55% (p = 0.011), moderators from 15% to 39% (p = 0.046), and last author listed on presentation sessions from 18% to 32% (p = 0.010), while panel-ists, workshop directors, and presenters at all sessions increased without statistical significance. Female poster presenters decreased over time. CONCLUSIONS: Female representation at APDS meet-ings has increased over time. Women are well repre-sented compared to the 2022 member population of 36% women. While positions typically held by more senior members, such as leadership, panelists, modera-tors, and last authors remain lower than other roles, increases over time are encouraging. APDS female repre-sentation compares favorably to many other surgical societies. Translation of successful practices regarding gender representation utilized by APDS to other surgical organizations could expedite progress toward gender parity in the field. ( J Surg Ed 80:1592-1601. (c) 2023 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)