In modern business conditions, an important factor in financial and economic activities is employees, their competence, and professionalism. Globalization processes in the economic environment motivate the use of new information resources and technologies, the development of the economy's new areas. At the same time, there is a growing need for a high level of human capital development. Therefore, today it is necessary to develop and implement measures aimed at investing in human capital. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, investing in human capital is more vital than ever, as it can lay the foundation for sustainable, comprehensive recovery and growth in the future. It is investments in technology, education, science that guarantee the formation of highly qualified competitive human capital at all levels of the economy. Hence, one of the main tasks of the company is to support and constantly improve the skills of its employees, the formation of such skills and abilities that would allow them to quickly adapt to innovative technologies and complex realities of the modern economy. The purpose of the article is to review the foreign experience of developed countries in solving social problems that affect the human capital index. Studying the world experience of human capital formation and borrowing it for Ukraine can be an effective tool of state social policy. After all, investments in physical capital and infrastructure without sufficient investments in human capital may not give Ukraine the expected dividends.