Early-onset colorectal cancer (CRC), which refers to CRC diagnosed in individuals below the age of 50 years, is a growing health concern that presents unique challenges in diagnosis, treatment, and long-term outcomes. Although approximately 70% of early-onset CRC cases are sporadic, with no apparent family history, approximately 25% have a familial component, and up to 20% may be associated with germline mutations, indicating a higher prevalence compared with the general population. Despite the progress in identifying the environmental, molecular, and genetic risk factors of early-onset CRC, the underlying causes for the global increase in its incidence remain unclear. This comprehensive review aims to provide a thor-ough analysis of early-onset CRC by examining the trends associated with its incidence, clinical and patho-logical characteristics, risk factors, molecular and genetic profiles, prognosis and screening strategies. By deepening our understanding of early-onset CRC, significant advances related to improving the outcomes and alleviating the burden of this disease on individuals, families, and healthcare systems can be achieved.