Nowadays, the entireworld is struggling to adapt and survive the global pandemic. Moreover, most countries had a hard time keeping up with the new mutations of COVID-19. Therefore, taking preventive measures to control the spreading of the virus, including lockdowns, curfews, social distancing, masks, vaccines, is not enough to stop the virus. However, using the new technologies to adapt the preventionmeasures and enhance the existing oneswill be more efficient. Most countries have already developed their non-pharmaceutical interventions measures (NPIs), mainly contacts tracing solutions at the pandemic beginning. Using those mobile applications, the authorities were able to reduce the spreading of the virus. Nevertheless, the virus is evolving, mutating, and becoming more and more dangerous to survive. Therefore, these mobile applications have become less effective in facing the constant changes of the pandemic situation. To that end, the need for enhancing and evolving contact tracing became more urgent. The goal here is to control the spread of the new variants and keep up with the rapid changes happening around the world. In this paper, we will present a detailed view of the new solution built to take contact tracing to a new level, empowered by the Bluetooth Low Energy technology for communication, advanced encryption method for security and data privacy, as well as secured storage and data management to have a system capable of slowing the COVID-19 variants from spreading and save lives.