The application expansion of new technologies -in the broad sense that allows them to include info-communication, digitization, robotics, nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence- as well as its repercussions in the workplace and the provision of services, in In general, have been the subject of continuous analyzes developed by multiple instances and organizations, whose conclusions serve our essay of a legal-normative nature with two purposes: to present the state of the matter from a socioeconomic perspective and, from it, to inquire about the measures adopted by the different political levels to face the pernicious drifts that the implementation of these new technologies could cause for the employability of citizens, more specifically, for groups that are especially vulnerable in the context of the IV industrial revolution, as could happen with women. The objectives just mentioned justify that the structure of this study is composed of two large sections intended, the first, is to offer a reflection based on the data provided by the existing reports on the matter. Through it, we intend not only to compile the conclusions reached by the different research groups that have addressed the issue but especially to detect common and differentiated findings that, presented together, provide transparency to the state of the issue. As can be seen below, we have tried in this regard to bring up analyses from international actors -ILO, OECD and World Economic Forum-, community -community bodies and European research institutes, as well as private entities that have developed reports on the matter in the European sphere- and Spanish nationals -represented, in this case, by the Women's Institute, the Social Economic Council, Eurostat, the State Public Employment Service and some private entity-, so that the contrast is possible and, therefore, some objectivity. The second section is consigned to indicate the advantageous aspects, but also the harmful ones that the new technologies entail for the workplace, although taking as a study perspective the female group and, as a structuring guide, the three moments that the labour law doctrine traditionally distinguishes in the labor contractual relationship; id est, its birth, validity and termination. The conclusive proposals, aimed at offering suggestions to the national legislator regarding actions to be adopted in this field of female employability in the context of new technologies, are included in the last sections that make up this essay.