Purpose: Craniofacial trauma with concomitant cervical fractures (CCFs) is responsible for significant morbidity and mortality in the pediatric population. We aim to characterize its incidence, injury patterns, outcomes, and risk factors, along with identifying any association between mandible fractures and cervical injuries via the National Trauma Databank.Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed using National Trauma Databank records be-tween 2007 and 2017 to identify patients equal or under the age of 18 years hospitalized for maxillofacial trauma and with recorded cervical injury.Variables of interest include age, gender, race/ethnicity, trauma type (blunt vs penetrating), Injury Severity Score, area involved, mechanism of injury, comorbid condi-tions, inpatient complications, and discharge disposition. Retrospective cohorts were separated by CCF status. Univariate, bivariate, and multivariable regression analysis was utilized, with P-value <.05 consid-ered statistically significant.Results: A total of 32,952 patients were included in the study, with the majority being White (60.8%), male (68.2%), and between the ages of 13 and 18 years (65%). Of these, 8.2% experienced CCF. Most com-mon mechanisms of injury were motor vehicle trauma (32.6%), interpersonal violence (18.8%), and falls (13.5%). Univariate analysis revealed patients with CCF were significantly older (15.2 vs 12.9; P < .001), more likely to be motor vehicle occupants (46.6 vs 31.9%; P < .001), and suffer polyfacial fractures (62.6 vs 60.7%; P < .001). Longer length of stay (9.4 vs 3.6 days; P < .001) and significantly higher inpatient complications such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, unplanned intubation, severe sepsis, pressure ulcer, ventilator-associated pneumonia, and unplanned return to operating room were observed in the CCF cohort. Female gender (1.5 [1.37 to 1.64; 95% confidence interval {CI}] P < .001) and higher Injury Severity Score (1.12 [1.11 to 1.11; 95% CI] P < .001) were associated with significantly higher odds on multivariable analysis. The presence of a mandible fracture was not associated with increased CCF on multivariate analysis (1.06 [0.92 to 1.22; 95% CI] P = .36).Conclusions: There are statistically significant differences in demographics, outcomes, and injury pat-terns in maxillofacial patients with CCF that may help guide treatment. No association between mandible fractures and cervical trauma was identified.(c) 2022 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons