Track irregularity is an important factor affecting the train-track-bridge system interaction, and for the seismic design of the track-bridge system, the study of the law of the influence of track irregularity on the train dynamic effect is of great theoretical significance. Based on this, the finite element models of China railway track structure (CRTS) II plate high-speed railway simple-supported girder bridge and CRH2C high-speed train model are developed and compared with the shaking table test results to verify their validity. Considering track irregularity and earthquake randomness, a sample library of the train dynamic effect of the track-bridge system under earthquake is established, the probabilistic statistical characteristics of the train dynamic effect are analyzed, and the influence level of track irregularity on the train dynamic effect of the track-bridge system under earthquake is studied, and the standard value of track irregularity influence coefficient of train dynamic effect based on probability guarantee rate is proposed. The results indicate that: the influence of track irregularity on the seismic response of bridge structure is slight, with their greatest impact not exceeding 1%. However, it has a significant impact on the seismic response of track structures. The standard values of the sliding and mortar layers' track irregularity influence coefficients are 1.49 and 1.71, respectively, at 0.1 g. Under various peak ground acceleration (PGA) settings, the fasteners' standard values for the track irregularity influence coefficient are less than 1.1. Additionally, the degree of influence of track irregularity on the seismic response of track structure decreases significantly as the PGA increases.