Automated partitioning of retinal vessels depicted in fundus images is beneficial in the detection of specific ailments like hypertension and diabetes. However, retinal vessel images have the problems of a large semantic range, more spatial detail, and limited differentiation among the blood vessels and surroundings, which make vessel segmentation challenging. To overcome these obstacles, we designed a new U-shaped network named SMP-Net. First, we propose the sequencer-convolution (SC) module to obtain the ability to extract both local and global features, thereby improving segmentation accuracy. The SC module is used to filter out shallow noise and enable the fusion of deep and shallow features in the maximum skip connection of the U-shaped network. Then, the residual multi-kernel pooling (MP) module is designed to obtain additional contextual information while also mitigating the loss of spatial information caused by constant pooling and convolution to improve vessel coherence. Finally, the pixel attention (PA) module redistributes the weight of each pixel using an element-wise product multiplication operation. This increases the weight of the vascular feature pixels and improves the ability to identify blood vessels in blurred backgrounds. The proposed method has been demonstrated to be effective through sufficient experimentation on publicly available retinal datasets such as DRIVE, STARE, and CHASE_DB1.