Introduction: Patients expect to have excellent vision and comfort when wearing soft contact lenses. The purpose of this study was to compare the wear experiences of participants with astigmatism when wearing a daily disposable soft toric lens to an established, commonly used reusable toric lens. Methods: In this crossover study, habitual soft toric lens wearers were fit with a daily replacement soft toric lens (delefilcon A) and a reusable, 1-month replacement soft toric lens (comfilcon A) in a randomized order. After 30 days of wear, Visual analog scale (VAS) surveys were used to assess wear experience, including vision and comfort, for overall wear and end-of-day wear. Scores were compared statistically with mixed-effects linear models. Participants also responded to questions about convenience, ease of use, and satisfaction with both lenses and preference questions based upon comfort, vision, and overall performance. Results: Fifty-nine participants completed the multi-site crossover study. VAS scores [mean(std dev)] for overall quality of vision for the delefilcon A [80.4(16.4)] and comfilcon A [66.8(27.7)] lenses were statistically significant (P=0.002). The difference in the mean overall comfort scores for the delefilcon A lenses [71.6(26.3)] and comfilcon A lenses [63.2(28.9)] was 8.4, which exceeds the establish criteria for clinical significance, although not statistically significant (P=0.08). Overall satisfaction scores were 68.8(26.9) for the delefilcon A and 59.7(30.3) for the comfilcon A lenses (P=0.08). Both lenses provided mean binocular visual acuities better than 20/20 Snellen equivalent. Over half of the participants preferred the delefilcon A lenses based upon comfort, vision, and overall performance. Convenience, ease of use, and satisfaction all scored higher with delefilcon A lenses. Conclusion: The results of this study show that wear experience with delefilcon A lenses for astigmatism can meet or exceed that of comfilcon A toric lenses while also providing healthy, daily disposable lens wear.