Background: Compassionate and Respectful Care (CRC) is the basic radiology professional practice. Even though it is an essential compo-nent for all health practitioners, limited evidence was available in the study area, especially focusing on radiology services. Identifying levels of compassionate and respectful care and associated factors help in rec-ommendations for improvement for radiology professionals to deliver service with a good habit of compassion and respect to their clients. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the level of compassionate and respectful care and associated factors among radiology clients. Methods: Facility-based cross-sectional study design was conducted from July 6 -27, 2022 in public hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Those hospitals were Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Armed Force Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, and St. Paulos Hospital. A systematic random sampling technique was used to select patients visited radiology departments and radiographers. Epi-Data version 6 and SPSS version 26 were used for data entry and analysis, respec-tively. Bi-variable and multivariable logistic regression analysis models are used to identify associated factors. Statistical significance was de-termined using a P-value of less than 0.05 and an adjusted odds ratio with a 95% confidence level. Results: A total of 333 respondents were involved in the study with a response rate of 99.1%. Overall, compassionate and respectful care of radiology service providers were 66.7% and 70.9% respectively. Mode of transport (AOR (Adjusted Odd Ratio) = 2.2, 95% CI (Con-fidence Interval): 1.00-4.81), waiting time (AOR= 4.10, 95% CI; 1.92-8.76), CRC training (AOR= 2.35, 95% CI; 1.34-4.12) and workload (AOR= 4.02, 95% CI; 1.9-8.51,) were significantly associ-ated with compassionate care. Distance (AOR = 2.98, 95% CI: 1.34- 6.61), mode of transport (AOR = 4.9, 95% CI; 2.09-11.5), number of service providers (AOR = 0.52, 95% CI; 0.27-0.98), CRC training (AOR = 2.15, 95% CI; 1.18-3.93) and workload (AOR = 7.04, 95% CI; 3.13-15.8) were significantly associated with respectful care pro-vision among radiology clients. Conclusion: Compassionate and respectful care radiology service pro-vision in Addis Ababa public hospitals was similar as compared with other studies. Waiting time, transportation, the number of service providers, Compassionate and respectful care training, and workload were significantly associated with compassionate and respectful care service provision. Providing adequate compassionate and respectful care training for service providers, reducing waiting time, and balanc-ing the service provider-to-client ratio should enhance compassionate and respectful care service provision.