The objective was to identify metabolome and proteome differences at 1 h and 1 d postmortem between longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle classified based on 6 h pH values. Twenty beef LT rib sections were sorted based on 6 h postmortem pH values into low (LpH; pH < 5.55; n = 9) and high (HpH; pH > 5.84; n = 8) pH classifications. Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF), desmin degradation, and calpain-1 autolysis were measured. Twodimensional difference in gel electrophoresis (3-10, 4-7, and 6-9 pH range) and Tandem mass tagging (TMT) protein analyses were employed to determine how the sarcoplasmic protein profile varied across pH classification. Non-targeted metabolomic analyses were conducted on extracts prepared at 1 h and 1 d postmortem. The LpH classification had a lower WBSF value at 1 d postmortem, which was explained by greater calpain-1 autolysis and desmin degradation at 1 d postmortem. Proteome and metabolome analysis revealed a phenotype that promotes more rapid energy metabolism in the LpH group. Proteome and metabolome analyses identified energy production, apoptotic, calcium homeostasis, and proteasome systems influencing pH classifications that could explain the observed pH, proteolysis, and beef tenderness differences. Significance: This study is the first to identify proteomic and metabolomic variations early (1 h and 1 day) postmortem that are linked to differences in early (6 h) postmortem pH values and to tenderness differences at 1 day postmortem. This study integrates postmortem biochemical features (protein degradation, proteome, and metabolome variations) to postmortem pH decline and eating quality of beef steaks. Potential biomarkers of more rapid postmortem metabolism linked to earlier tenderization in beef are suggested. Identification of these biochemical features will assist in predicting the eating quality of beef products.