Critical transitions describe a phenomenon where a system abruptly shifts from one stable state to an alternative, often detrimental, stable state. Understanding and possibly preventing the occurrence of a critical transition is thus highly relevant to many ecological, sociological, and physical systems. In this context, it has been shown that the underlying network structure of a system heavily impacts the transition behavior of that system. In this paper, we study a crucial but often overlooked aspect in critical transitions: the modularity of the system's underlying network topology. In particular, we investigate how the transition behavior of a networked system changes as we alter the local network structure of the system through controlled changes of the degree assortativity. We observe that systems with high modularity undergo cascading transitions, while systems with low modularity undergo more unified transitions. We also observe that networked systems that consist of nodes with varying degrees of connectivity tend to transition earlier in response to changes in a control parameter than one would anticipate based solely on the average degree of that network. However, in rare cases, such as when there is both low modularity and high degree disassortativity, the transition behavior aligns with what we would expected given the network's average degree. Results are confirmed for a diverse set of degree distributions including stylized two-degree networks, uniform, Poisson, and power-law degree distributions. On the basis of these results, we argue that to understand critical transitions in networked systems, they must be understood in terms of individual system components and their roles within the network structure.