The article discusses the features of the educational environment of the university as a means of developing foreign language intercultural communicative competence of foreign students. The factors influencing the formation of the educational process are revealed. The attention of the authors is focused on the study of the multicultural educational environment of a modern university on the case of Tomsk State University. Intercultural communication is considered in the system of forms of communication interaction in a multicultural environment. The difficulties of intercultural communication associated with overcoming intercultural and language barriers are described. Training is presented in the aspect of overcoming the identified barriers. Communication training is a didactic teaching tool aimed at developing the target competence of foreign students. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the provision of the structural, communicative, intercultural approaches; works on the theory of interaction between language and culture in the teaching of foreign languages, the theory of intercultural communication, the provisions of the concepts of linguistic personality in the context of the dialogue of cultures and secondary linguistic personality, intercultural communicative competence, theoretical and practical foundations for the use of modern methods in teaching foreign languages. The research methods used include theoretical methods: analysis of philosophical, psychological-pedagogical, methodological literature, methods of comparative study of languages for linguodidactic purposes, modeling of communication situations and empirical methods: generalization of learning experience using communicative training, methods of interactive learning, methodological development and testing of trainings, observation, experimental search work, conversation. Based on analytical data, the following problems were investigated: 1) the reasons for finding effective ways to develop foreign language intercultural competence of foreign students in the educational environment of the university; 2) the dominant principles of teaching students foreign language intercultural communication in a multicultural educational environment. The role of a multicultural educational environment in the development of foreign language intercultural competence of students in the process of teaching a foreign language is determined. The most significant principles of developing the skills of intercultural foreign language competence of foreign students in the multicultural educational environment of a modern university are revealed: the principle of cognition and consideration of value cultural universals; the principle of culturally related costudying of foreign and native languages; the principle of an ethnographic approach, which makes it possible to provide students with the means of analyzing any cultural practices from the inside, from the point of view of those who participate in them. After considering the problems posed, the authors of the article determined the features of communicative training as the dominant didactic tool in the development of foreign language intercultural competence of foreign students. It is concluded that the development of foreign language intercultural competence occurs at three levels: increasing cognitive awareness (cognitive level - learning to think); development of ethnocultural sensitivity (emotional-affective level - to learn to feel); increasing behavioral competence (conative level - to learn how to interact in matters of intercultural communication). It has been established that the methodological foundations of communicative training are both traditional group work procedures, such as dialogue exercises, reflection of experience, and interactive modeling, simulation and group discussions on the problems of overcoming intercultural and language barriers. The results of the study showed that the use of communicative training makes it possible to prepare its participants for effective contacts with a representative of a different culture, to teach them to understand, feel and analyze both their own behavior and the behavior of a foreign language communicant in the implementation of intercultural foreign language communication in the multicultural educational environment of the university.