Three-dimensional direct gravity inversion for Moho and basement depths of the Tuchinh-Vungmay basin, offshore southeast Vietnam, incorporating a lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly correction
This paper presents the determination of the Moho and basement depths of Tuchinh-Vungmay basin (TCVMB) offshore southeastern Vietnam by the three dimension direct gravity inversion. The Moho depth was predicted from the mantle residual gravity anomaly with the lithosphere thermal gravity correction. The downward continuation of the basement residual gravity anomaly is also applied to enhance the basement topography's resolution. The mean depths of the basement and Moho surfaces were constrained by the power density spectrum (PDS) of the residual gravity anomalies and the oceanic bottom seismic (OBS) data. The predicted Moho depth varies from 13.5 km to 23 km and the basement depth is from some hundred meters to 8.5 km. The gravity basement topography has higher resolution and detail than the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) seismic basement.