The purpose of this research was to design a psychoeducational program based on values for child sexual abuse prevention aimed at boys and girls from the Lomas de la Entrada Community, in Naguanagua, Carabobo state. Its theoretical bases focused both on the psychosocial theory of Erick Erickson, (1987) which explains the formation of the personality of the members of a community of a social system within a country, as well as on the psychodynamic theory of Freud, (1984) who points out how child sexual abuse represents a psychic trauma that manifests its sequelae in subsequent neuroses (phobic, hysterical or obsessive) according to the personality structure in which the psyche of each infant develops. This study was engrossed in the quantitative paradigm under a non-experimental transactional descriptive field design, under the feasible project modality. The application of the instrument resulted in the need to design the psychoeducational program based on values for child sexual abuse prevention, incorporating, at the same time, protective factors in various actions and/or strategies, to reduce the incidence of this problem in the community.