Cloud and cloud shadow segmentation is one of the most critical challenges in remote sensing image processing. Because of susceptibility to factors such as disturbance from terrain features and noise, as well as a poor capacity to generalize, conventional deep learning networks, when directly used to cloud and cloud shade detection and division, have a tendency to lose fine features and spatial data, leading to coarse segmentation of cloud and cloud shadow borders, false detections, and omissions of targets. To address the aforementioned issues, a multi-scale strip feature attention network (MSFANet) is proposed. This approach uses Resnet18 as the backbone for obtaining semantic data at multiple levels. It incorporates a particular attention module that we name the deep-layer multi-scale pooling attention module (DMPA), aimed at extracting multi-scale contextual semantic data, deep channel feature information, and deep spatial feature information. Furthermore, a skip connection module named the boundary detail feature perception module (BDFP) is introduced to promote information interaction and fusion between adjacent layers of the backbone network. This module performs feature exploration on both the height and width dimensions of the characteristic pattern to enhance the recovery of boundary detail intelligence of the detection targets. Finally, during the decoding phase, a self-attention module named the cross-layer self-attention feature fusion module (CSFF) is employed to direct the aggregation of deeplayer semantic feature and shallow detail feature. This approach facilitates the extraction of feature information to the maximum extent while conducting image restoration. The experimental outcomes unequivocally prove the efficacy of our network in effectively addressing complex cloud-covered scenes, showcasing good performance across the cloud and cloud shadow datasets, the HRC_WHU dataset, and the SPARCS dataset. Our model outperforms existing methods in terms of segmentation accuracy, underscoring its paramount importance in the field of cloud recognition research.