EURO-NMD registry: federated FAIR infrastructure, innovative technologies and concepts of a patient-centred registry for rare neuromuscular disorders

Atalaia, Antonio [1 ]
Wandrei, Dagmar [2 ]
Lalout, Nawel [3 ,4 ]
Thompson, Rachel [5 ]
Tassoni, Adrian [2 ]
't Hoen, Peter A. C. [3 ]
Athanasiou, Dimitrios [6 ]
Baker, Suzie-Ann [6 ]
Sakellariou, Paraskevi [7 ]
Paliouras, Georgios [7 ]
D'Angelo, Carla [8 ]
Horvath, Rita [9 ]
Mancuso, Michelangelo [10 ]
van der Beek, Nadine [11 ]
Kornblum, Cornelia [12 ]
Kirschner, Janbernd [13 ]
Pareyson, Davide [14 ]
Bassez, Guillaume [15 ]
Blacas, Laura [16 ]
Jacoupy, Maxime [16 ]
Eng, Catherine [17 ]
Lamy, Francois [17 ]
Plancon, Jean-Philippe [18 ]
Haberlova, Jana [19 ]
Brusse, Esther [11 ]
Hoeijmakers, Janneke G. J. [20 ,21 ]
de Visser, Marianne [22 ]
Claeys, Kristl G. [23 ,24 ,25 ]
Paradas, Carmen [26 ]
Toscano, Antonio [27 ]
Silani, Vincenzo [28 ,29 ]
Gyenge, Melinda [15 ]
Reviers, Evy [30 ]
Hamroun, Dalil [31 ]
Vroom, Elisabeth [6 ]
Wilkinson, Mark D. [32 ]
Lochmuller, Hanns [5 ,13 ]
Evangelista, Teresinha [33 ,34 ]
[1] Sorbonne Univ, Inserm Ctr Res Myol, Neuromyol Serv, GH Pitie Salpetriere, Paris, France
[2] Univ Freiburg, Fac Med, Med Ctr, Clin Trials Unit, Freiburg, Germany
[3] Radboud Univ Nijmegen Med Ctr, Med BioSci Dept, Nijmegen, Netherlands
[4] Duchenne Parent Project, Veenendaal, Netherlands
[5] Childrens Hosp Eastern Ontario, Res Inst, Ottawa, ON, Canada
[6] World Duchenne Org, Veenendaal, Netherlands
[7] Duchenne Data Fdn, Bergen Op Zoom, Netherlands
[8] Univ Hosp Pitie Salpetriere APHP, Inst Myol, European Reference Network Rare Neuromuscular Dis, Paris, France
[9] Univ Cambridge, Dept Clin Neurosci, Cambridge, England
[10] Univ Pisa, Neurol Inst, Dept Clin & Expt Med, Pisa, Italy
[11] Erasmus MC Univ Med Ctr, Ctr Lysosomal & Metab Dis, Dept Neurol, Rotterdam, Netherlands
[12] Univ Hosp Bonn, Dept Neurol, Neuromuscular Dis Sect, Bonn, Germany
[13] Univ Freiburg, Fac Med, Med Ctr, Dept Neuropediat & Muscle Disorders, Freiburg, Germany
[14] Fdn IRCCS Ist Neurol Carlo Besta, Dept Clin Neurosci, Unit Rare Neurol Dis, Milan, Italy
[15] Pitie Salpetriere Univ Hosp, APHP Paris, Neuromuscular Dis Reference Ctr, Paris, France
[16] Hop La Pitie Salpetriere, Assoc Inst Myol, Paris, France
[17] AFM Telethon, Assoc Francaise Myopathies, Evry, France
[18] European Patient Org Dysimmune & Inflammatory Neur, Paris, France
[19] Univ Hosp Motol, Neuromuscular Ctr, Prague, Czech Republic
[20] Maastricht Univ Med Ctr, Dept Neurol, Maastricht, Netherlands
[21] Maastricht Univ, Sch Mental Hlth & Neurosci, MHeNS, Maastricht, Netherlands
[22] Amsterdam Univ Med Ctr, Locat Acad Med Ctr, Dept Neurol, Amsterdam, Netherlands
[23] Univ Hosp Leuven, Dept Neurol, Louvain, Belgium
[24] Katholieke Univ Leuven, Lab Muscle Dis & Neuropathies, Dept Neurosci, Louvain, Belgium
[25] Leuven Brain Inst LBI, Louvain, Belgium
[26] Hosp Univ Virgen del Rocio IBiS, Avda Manuel Siurot S-N, Seville 41013, Andalucia, Spain
[27] Univ Messina, Dept Clin & Expt Med, AOU G Martino Messina, Messina, Italy
[28] IRCCS Ist Auxol Italiano, Dept Neurol, Milan, Italy
[29] IRCCS Ist Auxol Italiano, Lab Neurosci, Milan, Italy
[30] ALS Liga Belgium, Louvain, Belgium
[31] Hop La Colombiere, CHRU Montpellier, Direct Rech & Innovat, Montpellier, France
[32] Univ Politecn Madrid UPM, Dept Biotecnol Biol Vegetal, Escuela Tecn Super Ingn Agron Alimentaria & Biosis, Ctr Biotecnol & Genom Plantas UPM INIA,Inst Nacl I, Madrid 28223, ES, Spain
[33] Univ Hosp Pitie Salpetriere APHP, Neuromuscular Pathol Funct Unit, Inst Myol, Paris, France
[34] Univ Hosp Pitie Salpetriere APHP, Inst Myol, Neuropathol Serv, Paris, France
Registry; Registry Hub; Neuromuscular Diseases; Rare Diseases; FAIR data;
Q3 [遗传学];
071007 ; 090102 ;
BackgroundThe EURO-NMD Registry collects data from all neuromuscular patients seen at EURO-NMD's expert centres. In-kind contributions from three patient organisations have ensured that the registry is patient-centred, meaningful, and impactful. The consenting process covers other uses, such as research, cohort finding and trial readiness.ResultsThe registry has three-layered datasets, with European Commission-mandated data elements (EU-CDEs), a set of cross-neuromuscular data elements (NMD-CDEs) and a dataset of disease-specific data elements that function modularly (DS-DEs). The registry captures clinical, neuromuscular imaging, neuromuscular histopathology, biological and genetic data and patient-reported outcomes in a computer-interpretable format using selected ontologies and classifications. The EURO-NMD registry is connected to the EURO-NMD Registry Hub through an interoperability layer. The Hub provides an entry point to other neuromuscular registries that follow the FAIR data stewardship principles and enable GDPR-compliant information exchange. Four national or disease-specific patient registries are interoperable with the EURO-NMD Registry, allowing for federated analysis across these different resources.ConclusionsCollectively, the Registry Hub brings together data that are currently siloed and fragmented to improve healthcare and advance research for neuromuscular diseases.
共 2 条
  • [1] EURO-NMD registry: federated FAIR infrastructure, innovative technologies and concepts of a patient-centred registry for rare neuromuscular disorders
    Antonio Atalaia
    Dagmar Wandrei
    Nawel Lalout
    Rachel Thompson
    Adrian Tassoni
    Peter A. C. ’t Hoen
    Dimitrios Athanasiou
    Suzie-Ann Baker
    Paraskevi Sakellariou
    Georgios Paliouras
    Carla D’Angelo
    Rita Horvath
    Michelangelo Mancuso
    Nadine van der Beek
    Cornelia Kornblum
    Janbernd Kirschner
    Davide Pareyson
    Guillaume Bassez
    Laura Blacas
    Maxime Jacoupy
    Catherine Eng
    François Lamy
    Jean-Philippe Plançon
    Jana Haberlova
    Esther Brusse
    Janneke G. J. Hoeijmakers
    Marianne de Visser
    Kristl G. Claeys
    Carmen Paradas
    Antonio Toscano
    Vincenzo Silani
    Melinda Gyenge
    Evy Reviers
    Dalil Hamroun
    Elisabeth Vroom
    Mark D. Wilkinson
    Hanns Lochmuller
    Teresinha Evangelista
    [J]. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 19
  • [2] The EURO-NMD registry project: how to establish the datasets for the first European registry for all neuromuscular diseases
    D'Angelo, C.
    Atalaia, A.
    Jaeger, D.
    van Lin, N.
    Hoen, P. ' t
    Evangelista, T.
    Tassoni, A.
    Lochmueller, H.
    [J]. NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS, 2021, 31 : S155 - S155