Objective: YouTube videos are used frequently in almost every field of medical education. This study aimed to examine the content, popularity, and quality of bronchoscopy videos published on YouTube. Methods: We searched YouTube videos by using 'bronchoscopy' and other keywords that can be used synonymously on 18.04.2022. We sorted the videos according to view count, and the examined videos had more than 5000 views for each keyword. The view counts, like, and dislike numbers, duration of videos, source, and video content were recorded. We used the video popularity index to determine the popularity and DISCERN, and the global quality score for quality and reliability. Results: We reviewed the remaining 202 videos after excluding duplicate videos and those that met the exclusion criteria. The most common procedure type was fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FOB) (69.8%) and the most common content was viewing airways (46.0%). Most videos (92.7%) were uploaded by health professionals. The median VPI was 0.08 (IQR: 0.03-0.21), and median DISCERN and GQS were 45.0 (IQR: 30.0-64.3) and 3.0 (IQR: 2.8-4.0), respectively. There was a strong correlation between the GQS and DISCERN (r=0.83, p<0.001). In terms of quality and reliability, videos uploaded by professional associations had a higher GQS (p=0.04) and DISCERN (p=0.03) than those by non-medical sources. Conclusion: This study showed that most bronchoscopy videos on YouTube were uploaded by healthcare professionals and targeted other healthcare professionals. The lack of a strong relationship between popularity, quality, and safety is not reassuring for the use of these videos in education.