Microplastics in domestic wastewater are detrimental to living organisms and appear in a variety of sizes, colors, and shapes. The purpose of this study is to examine the distribution of microplastics in domestic wastewater, as well as the possibility for microplastic removal in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). The sampling method used is SNI 6989.59:2008 concerning Wastewater Sampling Methods that Apply in Indonesia. To remove organic compounds in the sample, 0.05 M Fe (II) and 30% H2O2 solution were added by the digestion process at 75 degrees C for 30 minutes and cooled. Samples were filtered using Whattman GF/C filter paper with the help of a vacuum pump and dried. To identify the concentration, shape, size, color of microplastics, visual analysis was used with the help of a microscope using the zig-zag technique. The concentration of microplastics in domestic wastewa-ter in Gampong Garot is 30.17 +/- 0.75 particles/100 mL sample. The most commonly found microplastic size is 1,001-5,000 mu m, while the dominant color is transparent. The forms of microplastic found in the samples were fiber, fragments and microbeads with a percentage of 65.20%, 23.16% and 11.64%, respectively. These micro-plastics come from local community activities such as washing clothes, bathing, washing dishes, and other activi-ties. So, it is necessary to treat domestic wastewater using WWTP. Not only does it remove organic matter and nutrients, WWTP also has the potential of microplastics removal around 7-99% depending on the processing unit.