We provide five rearticulations of the thesis that the structure of spacetime is conventional, rather than empirically determined, based upon variation of the structures that are empirically underdetermined and modal contexts in which this underdetermination occurs. Three of the five formulations of conventionalism will be found to fail. Two are found to open up new interesting problems for researchers in the foundations of general relativity. In all five cases, our analysis explores the interplay between geometric identities, symmetry, conformal structure, and the dynamical content of physical theories with the conventionalism dialectic deployed as a tool of explication, clarification, and exploration.
Brock Univ, Dept Sport Management, 500 Glenridge, St Catharines, ON L2S 3A1, CanadaBrock Univ, Dept Sport Management, 500 Glenridge, St Catharines, ON L2S 3A1, Canada